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Andreas started out working with wood in his childhood, growing up on the countryside in Finland, he spent a lot of time carving and playing with wood. As he grew up woodworking was always close by, something he did to relieve stress and as a creative outlet. In 2014 his pastime started getting more serious as he started sharing his work on Instagram and the demand for his work grew. With dedication he used old handcrafting techniques and grew more confident and skilled. As Andreas always has been driven to learn and evolve, he also started using woodturning as a way of creating the pieces he had in mind.


The design and aesthetics are very important in his work, something you easily can see in his finished pieces. Nowadays Andreas main way of working with wood is woodturning, but the different carving techniques are still to be seen in the finishing touches of his work. These are incorporated to create intricate design, interesting pattern and innovation to his work. Andreas lives with his wife on an island outside of Bergen, Norway. Here he lives a peaceful life with the space and inspiration to create.


The team behind Andreas Emanuel is a close-knit duo, consisting of Andreas and his wife, Elin.

Andreas is the creative force, serving as the artist, craftsman, and visionary behind the brand.

Elin, a dedicated partner from the outset, initially contributed by helping out with filming and photography when needed and also brainstorming different designs and ideas. However, she's now taking on more administrative responsibilities while continuing to support Andreas in his craft. 

They are both photographers and share the love for the aesthetics, art and design. Elin has her own creative outlet as well which is mainly focusing around working in different fabrics, sewing or knitting. 


Together they live quite a slow paced life, enjoying each others company and the creative life they share together.

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